The 10th class exam date 2023 AP has been set for December 31, 2022. The Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh, announced this. The AP SSC exams will be from April 3 to April 18, 2023. On, you can find the PDF of the AAP SSC Time Table 2023. The 10th public exam timetable for AP in 2023 has exam dates, times, and important instructions for each subject.
Students must check all of the information on the Andhra Pradesh SSC Timetable 2023, such as exam dates and other information, and then make a study plan based on what they find. Students must plan if they want to do well on the AP SSC exams in 2023. Read on to find out everything you need about the AP 10th class exam timetable for 2023.
AP SSC Time Table 2023

We’ve put the expected Andhra Pradesh SSC timetable 2023 AP in the table below so that students can use it as a guide. Check the AP 10th class public exam schedule for 2023 carefully and prepare for the tests as needed.
AP SSC Exam Time Table 2023 – BSEAP Class 10 Exam Date Highlight
Exam name | Andhra Pradesh Secondary School Certificate Examination 2023 |
Conducting Body | The Board of Secondary Education, Andhra Pradesh |
Time table name | AP SSC Exam Time Table 2023 |
Date sheet release date | December 31, 2022 |
Exam date | 3rd April to 18 April 2023 |
AP Inter 10th Time Table 2023 PDF | Download |
Result date | May 2023 (Tentative) |
AP 10th Datesheet Status | Released |
Type of Post | Time Table |
Official website | |
Andhra Pradesh 10th Time Table 2023
Andhra Pradesh SSC exam date | Subjects |
April 3, 2023 | First language paper 1 |
April 6, 2023 | Second language |
April 8, 2023 | English |
April 10, 2023 | Mathematics |
April 13, 2023 | Science |
April 15, 2023 | Social Studies |
April 17, 2023 | First language paper II,OSSC Main Language Paper I |
April 18, 2023 | OSSC Main Language Paper II,SSC Vocational course |
AP SSC Time Table 2023
Subjects | Timing (as per last year) |
OSSC Main Language Paper I & II (Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian) | 9:30 am- 12:45 pm |
SSC Vocational Course (Theory) | 9:30 am- 11:30 am |
Regular Subjects | 9:30 am- 12:45 pm |
First Language Paper-II (Composite group) | 9:30 am- 11:15 am |
How to get the PDF of the AP SSC Time Table for 2023 online
Follow the steps below to download the Andhra Pradesh SSC Time Table 2023 in pdf format.
- Go to the website for the AP Board, which is
- Click on the “SSC” tab on the home page.
- Now, click on the link that says “SSC March 2023 Timetable.”
- The public exam schedule for Class 10 in 2023 AP will be shown.
- Click on the “Download” button to save the PDF version of the AP 10th timetable for 2023.
AP SSC Timetable 2023 – Exam Day Instructions
Students must follow the important instructions for the exam day on AP SSC 2023. Read the rules carefully to make sure you don’t run into any problems and are ready to reach your goals for the AP SSC result 2023.
- Before the Advanced Placement Class 10 exam starts in 2023, each student will have an extra 15 minutes to review the question paper and devise a plan to answer the questions in the best way possible.
- Students are responsible for getting their exam materials, like their admit cards and paper, to and from the exam in a safe way.
- The BSEAP SSC schedule for the AP board in 2023 says that students with special needs will be given an extra half hour to finish the examination.
Andhra Pradesh SSC 2023 Exam Admit Card
The Board also puts out the admit cards for all the exams after the dates have been announced. But there is no information about how the new admit card will be given out. If there are to be new nominal rolls or admit cards, candidates must download them from the board’s website using their valid login information.
About the SSC Board of Andhra Pradesh
The Directorate of Government Examinations, AP, is in charge of the Class 10th or SSC exams in Andhra Pradesh. DGE, Andhra Pradesh, is a separate state department that works under the Ministry of Secondary Education, Government of Andhra Pradesh. People often call it the SSC Board.
The directorate runs the SSC/OSSC public exams and some other exams for all the colleges in the state that are affiliated with it. The board gives the class 10th exam to the lakhs of students who sign up for it yearly. The website for the directorate has all the essential information about the exam.
AP SSC Time Table 2023 – Exam Preparation Tips
- Check out the important study tips for the SSC board exams to do well on them.
- First, look at the AP 10th syllabus for 2023 and finish it before the AP 10th class exam date for 2023 is announced.
- After the AP 10th Class Time Table 2023, spend as much time as possible solving AP SSC question papers from the past and this year.
- Solving old papers will help you learn about the most common questions and how the test is set up.
- One of the most important things to do during study hours is to eat well and take short breaks. Don’t worry; just plan your studies around the AP SSC Time Table 2023 and prepare for the subjects that come before them.
- Reviewing helps you remember things for a longer time and strengthens your memory.
Particulars Mentioned on The Date Sheet
The examination schedule will be put out in pdf format by the Directorate. When the new schedule is ready, the board will post it on its website. The following will be written on the date sheet of AP SSC 2023:
- Academic year
- Date and day of the exam,
- Name of the subject and paper code,
- Timing and session of the examination,
- Important points related to the exam
- Instructions for students, etc.
How to check the online Andhra Pradesh SSC timetable
The AP SSC date sheet for upcoming tests will be posted online. This is the only way to get it, so candidates must do it this way. Candidates can check the SSC schedule by doing the following:
The official site
Students must first go to the Board’s official website. The official site can be found at
SSC link
Students need to click on the “SSC” tab on the portal’s home page, which is on the left side of the page under “Quick Links.”
A timetable shows up
Last but not least, the PDF for the new AP SSC 2022 exam schedule will open. Candidates can look at the new dates for exams.
Get a file to print
After looking at the exam schedule; students must download the PDF for future use. If they want to refer to it, it would be better and easier if they printed it out. SSC Public Exam Time Table 2023 PDF
Date Sheet PDF Link | Download |
AP Board 12th Time Table 2023 | Click Here |
AP Board Result 2023 App | Download |
Official Website | Click Here |
Hompage | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions about AP SSC Time Table 2023
How many percent do I need to get on the AP SSC exams to pass?
To pass the test, students must get at least 35% of the points.
How do I get a copy of the AP SSC Time table?
The schedule can be downloaded from the AP Board’s official website. Students can go to the website and click on the PDF link for the timetable. They can also find a direct link to the same thing in this article after the AP SSC board timetable 2023 is made public.
When will the AP SSC tests for 2023 happen?
The tests will be from April 3 to April 18, 2023.
When are the Andhra Pradesh class 10 compartment exams in 2023?
The Andhra Pradesh class 10th compartment exams 2023 will happen in either July or August of that year.