In this post, we will guide you about the TS SSC exam Time Table 2023. So read this article completely. You will get 100% accurate information.
The Telangana State Board of Secondary Education has disseminated the TS SSC exam Time Table 2023. The Board of Secondary Education of Telangana (BSE Telangana) has posted the TS SSC timetable 2023 on the website at Exams for the TS SSC will occur between April 3 and April 13, 2023. The Telangana 10th timetable 2023 includes all the test dates, exam days, and necessary instructions to be followed during the TS SSC exam 2023. if you want to know about WB Madhyamik Routine 2023, click here.
TS SSC Exam Time Table 2023

TS SSC refers to the Secondary School Certificate examination in Telangana, India. This examination is typically taken by students in their 10th grade and is usually conducted by the Telangana State Board of Secondary Education. The SSC examination in Telangana includes tests in various subjects such as mathematics, science, social studies, English, and the student’s native language. The examination results determine whether a student will be promoted to the next level of education or if they will need to retake the examination.
TS SSC Date Sheet 2023 – Telangana 10th Exam Time Table Highlight
Exam name | Telangana State Secondary School Certificate Examination |
Conducting Body | Directorate of Government Examinations, Telangana |
Time table name | TS 10th SSC Time Table 2023 |
Date sheet release date | December 29, 2022 |
Exam date | 3rd April to 13th April 2023 |
TS SSC Exam Date Sheet 2023 PDF Download | Download |
Result date | May 2023 (Tentative) |
Telangana Board Class 10 Datesheet Status | Released |
Type of Post | Time Table |
Official website | |
Highlights of TS SSC Time Table 2023 Telangana
- Beginning on the dates shown above, the Telangana State Secondary School Certificate, often known as the TS SSC Public Examinations, will be given across the state.
- The timetable will administer exams by the Directorate of Government Examinations of Telangana (DGE Telangana).
- The conclusion of the SSC Public Exams will take place on the previously mentioned dates.
- This timetable applies to any and all regular and private applicants who have previously failed the SSC Public Exams and are planning to retake them in 2023.
- This year’s SSC Public Exams would only consist of six exams, rather than the usual eleven papers, as previously indicated.
- Even if the government announces a public holiday or general holiday in respect of any day or date indicated in the schedule, the SSC Public Exams 2023 will be carried out in a manner that is strict to the timetable.
- The objective paper, also known as part B, must only be answered in the last thirty minutes for each topic.
You may get an overall picture of the schedule for 2023 by reading through the following table:
TS SSC Exam Time Table 2023
The Telangana SSC time table 2023 TS is something that more than 5 lakh students are waiting for. Check out the table below for the TS SSC test dates for 2023.
Dates | Subjects |
April 3, 2023 | First Language paper (Group – A),First Language paper 1 (Composite Course),First Language paper 2 (Composite Course) |
April 4, 2023 | Second Language |
April 6, 2023 | Third Language (English) |
April 8, 2023 | Mathematics |
April 10, 2023 | Part – I Physical Science,Part – II Biological Science |
April 11, 2023 | Social Studies |
April 12, 2023 | OSSC Main Language Paper – I (Sanskrit and Arabic),SSC Vocational Course (Theory) |
April 13, 2023 | OSSC Main Language Paper – II (Sanskrit & Arabic) |
How to Download TS SSC Time table 2023 PDF
To get the Telangana SSC exam timetable 2023 pdf from the official website, students should follow the steps.
- Go to, which is the official site.
- Click on the “Telangana SSC time table 2023” link.
- The PDF of the TS SSC timetable for 2023 will be shown on the screen.
- You can download the TS 10th exam schedule for 2023 and print it out.
Details mentioned in TS SSC time table 2023 Telangana
- Board name
- Exam name
- Subjects
- SSC exam date
- Exam time
- SSC time table 2023 Telangana for practicals
- Instructions
Exam day instructions – TS SSC Time Table 2023
- The board will give the SSC public exams on the dates listed in the TS SSC time table 2023 Telangana.
- According to the TS SSC timetable 2023, students will have to take their tests at the exam centers that have been assigned to them.
- To take the tests, you must bring your TS SSC hall ticket 2023. The students’ admit cards will also have the TS SSC exam Time Table 2023.
Telangana SSC Preparation Tips 2023
- Make a study schedule and spend the same amount of time on each subject so you can quickly finish the Telangana SSC syllabus 2023.
- After you’re done with the curriculum, you should solve and analyze the test papers for the subjects listed on the TS SSC timetable for 2023.
- After studying for 30–45 minutes straight, taking short breaks of 5–10 minutes helps keep the mind fresh and makes it easier to focus.
- People often say, “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body.” Take care of your health and follow the tips above to do well on the TS SSC result 2023.
- To be more productive, eat a healthy diet and get enough rest.
TS SSC Supplementary Exam Time Table 2023
The Telangana SSC timetable the TS SSC Board publishes 2023 TS. The supplementary exams are likely to be in July 2023. Below are the dates and times for the expected SSC exams in Telangana in 2023.
TS SSC Supplementary Exam time table 2023
Exam Date | Subjects |
To be announced | First Language Paper- I (Group A)First Language Paper- I (Composite Course) |
To be announced | First Language Paper-II (Group A)First Language Paper-II (Composite Course) |
To be announced | Second language |
To be announced | English Paper – I |
To be announced | English Paper – II |
To be announced | Maths Paper-I |
To be announced | Maths Paper-II |
To be announced | General Science Paper-I |
To be announced | General Science Paper-II |
To be announced | Social Studies Paper-I |
To be announced | Social Studies Paper-II |
To be announced | OSSC Main Language Paper-I(Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian) |
To be announced | OSSC Main Language Paper-II(Sanskrit, Arabic, Persian) | SSC Time Table 2023 PDF Download
Date Sheet PDF Link | Download |
TS Inter Time Table 2023 | Click Here |
Telangana Board Result 2023 App | Download |
Official Website | Click Here |
Hompage | Click Here |
Frequently Asked Questions About TS SSC Exam Time Table 2023
Where can I find the time table for the TS SSC exams?
Students in the 10th grade in the state of Telangana can find out more about the TS SSC Exams Time Table and download it as a PDF on the BSE Telangana website,
Students can ask to make changes to the Telangana SSC timetable 2023 TS.
No, students can’t ask to change anything about the TS SSC exam Time Table 2023. But they should talk to their schools if there is a difference or a conflict.
Is there another way to find out the TS SSC timetable for 2023 in Telangana?
Students can also get their SSC exam dates and schedules from their schools. However, private students can only download their SSC exam dates and schedules online.
When do the tests start and end?
The Telangana Secondary School Certificate Exams (SSC Exams) would be held in the morning from 9:30 am to 12:15 or 12:45 pm.